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Melura Cist



Dry extract of pomegranate tit. 70% in ellagic acid (250 mg), D-Mannose (2 g), Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 microencapsulated (≥2 billion cells), Vitamin B6 (0.7 mg) 10 sachets (2,6 g)
10 sachets (2,6 g)
€ 25,50
Helps urinary functions. Melura cist provides a dose of D-mannose equal of 2 g per sachet.
1 sachet per day
A scopo precauzionale si consiglia di non assumere durante cure farmacologiche con anticoagulanti orali (antagonisti della vitamina K, per esempio il warfarin).

Area: Urogynecology

Melura cist is a food supplement containing D-mannose, Pomegranate Extract and Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 microencapsulated.

Cystitis originates from intestinal bacteria due to the contiguity of colon-bladder tissues and the close proximity of the outlet of the urethra to the anus: factors favorable to the passage of bacteria in the urinary tract. Escherichia coli, a pathogenic saprophytic bacterium commonly found in the intestine, can multiply and rise up to the bladder, favoring the onset of urogenital infections, in case of alteration of the bacterial flora or irregularity of intestinal transit.

E. coli, is capable of forming a biofilm which consists of a whole bacterial cells adhered and incorporated into an adhesive polysaccharide matrix, secreted by the same cells. This happens when the colonizing bacteria are not immediately separated from the surface and thus can be anchored more firmly using cell adhesion molecules, such as pili.

The bacteria have a defense system, referred to as quorum sensing, which allows them to remain invisible to the body's defense systems until they reached a large population and virulent.

D-mannose is an isomer of glucose which, unlike this, once absorbed after intake, is not metabolized and is eliminated unchanged via the renal route.

D-mannose is characterized by a high capacity to bind Escherichia coli, in particular it binds to fimbriae, structures necessary for bacteria to adhere to the walls of the urothelium, thus preventing their adhesion to the urinary mucous membranes.

The extract of the fruit of pomegranate, which is the complex polyphenolic content melura cist, has since ancient times been used in folk medicine for its properties. Several studies show that the pomegranate extract is able to carry out an effective activity of contrast of E. coli motility, thereby reducing the ability of bacteria to perpetrate the infection in the urinary tract. In addition, the polyphenol complex is able to inhibit biofilm formation of Escherichia coli thus interfering with its proliferation. In this way, disrupted the biofilm due to the action of polyphenols, the bacteria remain in suspension and are eliminated in the urine with urinary flow.

The Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 is a probiotic that promotes the balance of intestinal bacterial flora. Numerous scientific studies have shown that regular use of probiotics can help reduce or prevent certain unwanted conditions caused by pathogenic bacteria, including Escherichia coli. In vitro studies have shown that Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 inhibits the growth of E. coli. Melura cist contains two billion Lactobacillus plantarum LP01 microencapsulated. Microencapsulation provides an effective barrier and allows probiotics to pass safely through the acidic environment of the stomach and reach the intestinal tract unaltered where they can express their biological activity.